E-TAX Payment - m After making e-payment of direct tax if status of challan is not available under Challan Status Enquiry on NSDL e-Gov site, what should I do? This scheme titled Electronic Furnishing of Return of Income Scheme, 20enables authorized intermediaries to electronically file Income Tax returns on behalf of the taxpayers. Effective March 202 the New York State Bag Waste Reduction Act authorizes counties and cities to impose a five-cent paper carryout bag. Site best viewed in IE 1 Chrome 61.
OLTAS - m e-payment : Pay Taxes Online Pay Taxes Online - e-Payment facilitates payment of direct taxes online by taxpayers. NSDL E-Services SPEED -e Hence, an Internet application for depository transactions necessarily demands an elaborate and robust infrastructure that ensures efficient execution, secured processing and guaranteed delivery of transactions. You can verify the status of the challan in the Challan Status Inquiry at NSDL e-Gov-TIN website after to days of making e-payment.
To avail of this facility you are required to have a Net-bankingDebit card of the selected Bank. Department of Taxation and Finance - NY. E-Return Intermediary - m Income Tax Department (ITD) has launched a new scheme for improving interface with the taxpayers.